Baryshnikov House front façade...
Baryshnikov House piano nobile floor plan...
Baryshnikov House longitudinal section...
Storage units:
Baryshnikov House
Museum collections
Virtual architecture
1797 - 1802
Matvey Kazakov
Общий вид.

General view.
Главный фасад.

Main facade.
Главный фасад. Фото 1950-х годов.

Main facade. Photo from 1950-s.
Портик главного фасада.

Portico of the main facade.
Портик главного фасада

Portico of the main facade.
Архитектурная деталь на главном фасаде.

Сандрик окна , расположенного за портиком, сохранил изящество деталей оформления фасада, присущее творчеству Казакова.

Architectural detail of the main facade.

Water moulding of the window behind the portico keeps the finenesse of details appropriate to M. Kazakov in decoration of facade.
Фрагмент главного фасада

Fragment of the main facade.
Интерьер парадной спальни.

Гармония архитектурного построения пространства, тонкость цветового решения, изящество каждой детали этого интерьера дают представление о лучших образцах московского классицизма в этой области.

Fragment of the interior of grand bedroom.

Harmony of the architectural construction of the space, delicacy of colour composition,fineness of every detail of this interior gives the idea of best examples of Moscow classicism in this area.
Фрагмент интерьера парадной спальни.

Fragment of the interior of grand bedroom.
Baryshnikov House front façade
Baryshnikov House piano nobile floor plan
Baryshnikov House longitudinal section
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The mansion is related to first-rate monuments of Moscow classicism. History of its creation is very characteristic for Moscow construction. During the second part of the XVIII century separate volumes have being added to old stone chambers. The project by M. Kazakov have defined the view of a perfectly composed, balanced composition of a “small palace”, middle sized house. As lot of Moscow town mansions, its plan has a form of Cyrillic letter “П”. Wings of the house, giving on the red line of the street, form a small cozy ceremonial court. The high four column Corinthian portico emphasizes the middle of the façade and gives to the building a representativity defined by classicism.