Foot, lower bearing member of a column, staff or pier, wider than its shaft
Storage units:
The Senate and Synod building
Demidov House
Baryshnikov House
Old Merchant Court, Ilyinka street
Trinity Cathedral
Theatre Square and Bolshoy Theatre building
Church of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"
Tauride Palace
Building of Academy of Sciences
Gagarin house on Novinsky boulevard
Church of St. Catherine Church in Vspolye, Moscow
The building of the Gentry assembly (Assembly of the Nobility)
Golitsyn Hospital
Military hospital in Lefortovo
Alexandrovsky Institute
Ensemble of the Saint Michael's Castle (Russian museum)
First city hospital
Saint Isaac's Cathedral
Ensemble of the Alexandrinsky Theatre
Church of Archangel Gabriel ("Menshikov Tower")
Narva Triumphal Gate