Board of trustees building on Solianka street. Façade design...
Board of trustees building on Solianka street in Moscow...
Storage units:
Board of trustees building on Solianka street (present Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences)
Museum collections
1821 - 1826
Общий вид здания Опекунского Совета на Солянке.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

General view of the Board of trustees building on Solianka street.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Портик главного фасада Опекунского Совета на Солянке.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Portico of the main facade of the Board of trustees building on Solianka street.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Портик главного фасада. Барельеф скульптора И.П. Витали.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Portico of the main facade. Bas-relief by sculptor I. Vitali.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Фронтон здания Опекунского Совета на Солянке.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Building gable of the Board of trustees building on Solianka street.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Фрагмент купола здания Опекунского Совета на Солянке.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Fragment of cupola of the Board of trustees building on Solianka street.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Фрагмент фасада здания Опекунского Совета на Солянке.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014.

Fragment of facade of the Board of trustees building on Solianka street.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.
Интерьер Опекунского Совета на Солянке.
Фото Д. Нестеровской, 2014

Стены и колонны зала сохранили отделку искусственным мрамором. Полуциркульный свод расписан гризайлью художником П. Руджио.

Interior of the Board of trustees building on Solianka street.
Photo credit D. Nesterovskaya, 2014.

Walls and columns of the hall have preserved the decoration with an artificial marble. Semi-circular vault is being painted with grisaille by P. Rugio.
Board of trustees building on Solianka street. Façade design. A copy.
Board of trustees building on Solianka street in Moscow
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