Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tvers...
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tvers...
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tvers...
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tvers...
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tvers...
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tvers...
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tvers...
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tvers...
Storage units:
Moscow Art Theatre building ( now Gorky MKhAT)
Museum collections
1972 - 1973
Vladimir Kubasov
Фото М.М. Чуракова. Новое здание МХАТ. Вид со стороны Тверского бульвара. 1970-е.
Фото Б.И. Томбака. Новое здание МХАТ. Интерьер фойе 2-го этажа. 1977 г.
Фото Б.И. Томбака. Новое здание МХАТ. Интерьер фойе 3-го этажа. 1977 г.
Фото Б.И. Томбака. Новое здание МХАТ. Интерьер фойе 3-го этажа. 1977 г.
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tverskoy boulevard in Moscow.
PIa 11434/2
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tverskoy boulevard in Moscow.
PIa 11434/1
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tverskoy boulevard in Moscow.
PIa 12226/2
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tverskoy boulevard in Moscow.
PIa 12226/3
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tverskoy boulevard in Moscow.
PIa 12226/4
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tverskoy boulevard in Moscow.
PIa 12226/6
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tverskoy boulevard in Moscow.
PIa 12226/7
Design of Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT) new building in Tverskoy boulevard in Moscow.
PIa 12226/8
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